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Custom Doors & Windows

Millwork: Trellis


A trellis is a structure that should be a functional and ornamental element to the exterior of your home. Hardscapes like trellises, provide a vertical design element that adds interest to an otherwise flat wall space. Trellises are vital to climbing vines, wandering vegetables, and fruits.

What’s the difference between an arbor, pergola, and trellis?

  • Arbors are a freestanding structure that acts as an entranceway to a garden by creating a grounded space providing an atmosphere to house your outdoor garden. An arbor is considered the “doorway”.
  • Pergolas support a rooftop grid where vines can be trained to provide natural shade. Typically pergolas are the size of a room. They can be freestanding or attached to your home. A pergola is considered the “ceiling”.
  • A trellis is a flat grid that is mounted on a wall or fence to support trailing plants. A trellis is considered to be a “wall”.

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